what3words symbol & logo
Download the what3words symbol, logo and logotype for digital and print usage in a variety of colours and languages. Check the guidelines for how and when to use the logo and symbol.

The what3words symbol is used to identify what3words address input fields, in product UX, or communication materials. Please check the usage guidelines below and remember the what3words symbol should only be used with a what3words address, input field, or the name “what3words”. Three slashes can also be created with text: ///

Simplified Mandarin version for use in China only. Translates as “3 word address”.
Additional Guidelines

There is a minimum clear space around all logo variations. Do not place any text, or graphic elements within.
Symbol – use 1⁄3 of the symbol height to measure clear space.
Horizontal & vertical logos – use the number ‘3’ as clear space.
Minimum sizes:
Symbol – 4.1mm
Horizontal Logo – 25mm width
Vertical Logo – 20mm width

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