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Internal newsletter
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We’ve added what3words to our [app/platform/system] to help you report and find precise locations easily
Exact locations can be hard to describe, especially for places without a street address, such as [construction sites/water meters /relevant asset]. That’s why we’ve added what3words to our [app/platform/system] – so that you can easily record and share the exact location of any [asset].
what3words is a simple way to identify precise locations. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words. For example, the exact location of [Company HQ] in [City] can be found at [///word.word.word]
what3words addresses are as accurate as GPS coordinates, but easier to communicate and share over the phone or radio. It’s the simplest way to communicate a precise location to team members across the business. Learn more about how it works here:
We’ve added what3words to our [app/platform/system] to help you report and find precise locations easily
Exact locations can be hard to describe, especially for places without a street address, such as [construction sites/water meters /relevant asset]. That’s why we’ve added what3words to our [app/platform/system] – so that you can easily record and share the exact location of any [asset].
what3words is a simple way to identify precise locations. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words. For example, the exact location of [Company HQ] in [City] can be found at [///word.word.word]
what3words addresses are as accurate as GPS coordinates, but easier to communicate and share over the phone or radio. It’s the simplest way to communicate a precise location to team members across the business. Learn more about how it works here:
Some of our favourites

Blog post
Copy the wording below and fill in the missing details to make it your own.

We’re using what3words to find locations faster
When responding to incidents, knowing exactly where they are is key for us to respond quickly. The challenge is that many places don’t have an address, and long, descriptive directions are time-consuming to follow.
We’re glad to announce that now you can easily report the exact location of an incident to us by using what3words. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example, the exact location of [Company HQ] in [City] can be found at [///word.word.word]
To report [an incident/damage] across our network, use the free what3words app to tell us exactly where to send our team. It even works offline and can be downloaded here:
We’re using what3words to find locations faster
When responding to incidents, knowing exactly where they are is key for us to respond quickly. The challenge is that many places don’t have an address, and long, descriptive directions are time-consuming to follow.
We’re glad to announce that now you can easily report the exact location of an incident to us by using what3words. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example, the exact location of [Company HQ] in [City] can be found at [///word.word.word]
To report [an incident/damage] across our network, use the free what3words app to tell us exactly where to send our team. It even works offline and can be downloaded here:
External newsletter
Copy the wording below and fill in the missing details to make it your own.

Report [incident/site] locations more easily with what3words
We’re glad to announce that now you can easily report exact incident locations to us by using what3words. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example, the exact location of [Company HQ] in [City] can be found at [///word.word.word]
To report [an incident/damage] across our network, use the free what3words app to tell us exactly where to send our team.
Report [incident/site] locations more easily with what3words
We’re glad to announce that now you can easily report exact incident locations to us by using what3words. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example, the exact location of [Company HQ] in [City] can be found at [///word.word.word]
To report [an incident/damage] across our network, use the free what3words app to tell us exactly where to send our team.
Press release
Announce your use of what3words to the public with this press release by filling in the missing details.