Maps and Navigation

Use the assets and ideas below to teach people about what3words.
In-app content
Use the images and wording below to explain what3words in your app. Edit the information in brackets to make it your own.

Always know exactly where to go with [insert your app name] and what3words
Now that we accept what3words addresses, you can find any destination simply by entering three words into the destination bar.
what3words is an easy way to find precise locations. Every 3 metre square has a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example, a beautiful view point of [local place] can be found at [///word.word.word]
Read our blog [insert link] to find out more!
Always know exactly where to go with [insert your app name] and what3words
Now that we accept what3words addresses, you can find any destination simply by entering three words into the destination bar.
what3words is an easy way to find precise locations. Every 3 metre square has a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example, a beautiful view point of [local place] can be found at [///word.word.word]
Read our blog [insert link] to find out more!
Create your own ‘How to’ film
Create a screen recording of a user entering a what3words address into your app and share it using the wording below.
So that you can find exactly where you need to be by entering just three words, we accept what3words. Here’s how it works in our app: [Link to video]
So that you can find exactly where you need to be by entering just three words, we accept what3words. Here’s how it works in our app: [Link to video]
Share a how to social post
Use our videos to teach people how to use the free what3words app to find and share their location with you.
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