Taxi & Ride-hailing

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Get picked up and dropped off at your exact destination
Street addresses aren’t always reliable. Search for one and a pin will typically drop in the centre of a building, rather than the entrance you need to get dropped off at.
So that you can arrive at your exact destination hassle-free, we’re excited to share that we now accept what3words addresses for pick-up and drop-off locations.
what3words has given every 3 metre square a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. Getting picked up and dropped off at a precise destination is now as easy as entering ///table.lamp.spoon into our app!
Find out more [Link to your blog]
Get picked up and dropped off at your exact destination
Street addresses aren’t always reliable. Search for one and a pin will typically drop in the centre of a building, rather than the entrance you need to get dropped off at.
So that you can arrive at your exact destination hassle-free, we’re excited to share that we now accept what3words addresses for pick-up and drop-off locations.
what3words has given every 3 metre square a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. Getting picked up and dropped off at a precise destination is now as easy as entering ///table.lamp.spoon into our app!
Find out more [Link to your blog]
Use the images and wording below to share your news on social media. Edit the information in brackets to make it your own.

Very excited to announce we’re accepting @what3words addresses so you can easily get dropped off exactly where you need to be. Every 3 metre square in the world has been given a unique combination of three words. For example [///word.word.word] is the location of [insert example drop-off point]. Find out how our new feature works here: [Link to your what3words blog or this video:]
Very excited to announce we’re accepting @what3words addresses so you can easily get dropped off exactly where you need to be. Every 3 metre square in the world has been given a unique combination of three words. For example [///word.word.word] is the location of [insert example drop-off point]. Find out how our new feature works here: [Link to your what3words blog or this video:]
Some of our favourites

Use the images and wording below to create a post for your blog. Edit the information in brackets to make it your own.

Arrive exactly where you need to be with [your app name] and what3words
To help you enter your exact destination easily, we accept what3words addresses
Street addresses aren’t always reliable – they often don’t lead you to the right place. Search for one and a pin will typically drop in the centre of a building, rather than the entrance you need to get picked up from or dropped off at. Whether it’s a specific building entrance, street corner or park gate, we’ve added what3words as a feature in our app to help you quickly and easily tell drivers exactly where to pick you up and drop you off.
what3words is an easy way to enter your precise destination. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example [///word.word.word] is the precise location of an entrance to [add a local park/shopping centre/beach].
what3words addresses are more reliable than street addresses, which are often duplicated and easy to confuse. Did you know there are 14 different Church Roads in London, 271 First Streets in California and 632 Juarez Streets in Mexico City? They also cover the entire world, meaning you can easily enter destinations that don’t have street addresses, such as park entrances, pop-up events and markets.
Gone are the days of circling around the block looking for the right building entrance. When you enter a what3words address into our app’s destination field, your driver will know exactly where to drop you off. Simply enter the three words for your destination and receive a smoother and more efficient service. Accurate locations also help us save fuel and reduce emissions, so your ride becomes more sustainable too.
Where do I find what3words addresses?
You can find what3words addresses in guidebooks, website contact pages and anywhere you would normally find regular street addresses. You may be sent one by email, text message, or calendar invite. If you’re invited to a friend’s house for dinner, ask them to share their home’s what3words address.
If you’re going to meet friends in the park, find the what3words address of the entrance you’d like to meet at with the free what3words app or online map. You can do this by entering the name of the park into the search bar, switch to satellite view for more detail, and drag the map until you’ve selected the square at the right entrance.
Once you know your destination’s what3words address, enter the three words into our app. Remember to add a dot in between each word!
What’s next?
Watch this short video to learn more about what3words:
Arrive exactly where you need to be with [your app name] and what3words
To help you enter your exact destination easily, we accept what3words addresses
Street addresses aren’t always reliable – they often don’t lead you to the right place. Search for one and a pin will typically drop in the centre of a building, rather than the entrance you need to get picked up from or dropped off at. Whether it’s a specific building entrance, street corner or park gate, we’ve added what3words as a feature in our app to help you quickly and easily tell drivers exactly where to pick you up and drop you off.
what3words is an easy way to enter your precise destination. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example [///word.word.word] is the precise location of an entrance to [add a local park/shopping centre/beach].
what3words addresses are more reliable than street addresses, which are often duplicated and easy to confuse. Did you know there are 14 different Church Roads in London, 271 First Streets in California and 632 Juarez Streets in Mexico City? They also cover the entire world, meaning you can easily enter destinations that don’t have street addresses, such as park entrances, pop-up events and markets.
Gone are the days of circling around the block looking for the right building entrance. When you enter a what3words address into our app’s destination field, your driver will know exactly where to drop you off. Simply enter the three words for your destination and receive a smoother and more efficient service. Accurate locations also help us save fuel and reduce emissions, so your ride becomes more sustainable too.
Where do I find what3words addresses?
You can find what3words addresses in guidebooks, website contact pages and anywhere you would normally find regular street addresses. You may be sent one by email, text message, or calendar invite. If you’re invited to a friend’s house for dinner, ask them to share their home’s what3words address.
If you’re going to meet friends in the park, find the what3words address of the entrance you’d like to meet at with the free what3words app or online map. You can do this by entering the name of the park into the search bar, switch to satellite view for more detail, and drag the map until you’ve selected the square at the right entrance.
Once you know your destination’s what3words address, enter the three words into our app. Remember to add a dot in between each word!
What’s next?
Watch this short video to learn more about what3words:
Push notification
Use the wording below for a simple in-app notification. Edit the information in brackets to make it your own.
New feature Save time on your next journey with [your app name] and what3words. Find out more here [Link to your what3words blog]
New feature Save time on your next journey with [your app name] and what3words. Find out more here [Link to your what3words blog]
Press release
Announce what3words to the public with this press release and images. To make it your own, edit the information in brackets and add an image of someone using what3words in your app.

Social media