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Displaying a 3 word address

  • The 3 words address can be entered into an existing field or as it’s own independent field.
  • The words in a 3 word address should always be separated by a full stop (‘.’), please don’t use spaces or commas. There are exceptions for other scripts.
  • what3words should feel native to your app or website, so we recommend using your existing styling and typography. You can show our slashes ‘///’ in red ( #E11F26 ) or use your primary colour.
  • If displaying a 3 word address in a secondary language, you only need to display the slashes once. This is so users understand that they both refer to the same address.

Entering a 3 word address

  • A user should be able to enter a 3 word address with or without the ‘///’ at the beginning


  • Once the user has entered the first letter of the 3rd word the autosuggest feature should be displayed
  • For simplicity, we recommend only displaying 3 suggested results
  • Every address should be accompanied by it’s nearest location.
Add a 3 word address input fieldDisplay a 3 word addressUse 3 word addresses with a mapUse 3 word addresses within an address search

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