Travel Operator

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Use the images and wording below to feature what3words in your newsletter. Edit the information in brackets to make it your own.

Find activities easily with what3words
We’re excited to announce that we’ll be displaying what3words addresses in booking confirmations so that you can always find our meeting points easily.
What is what3words?
what3words is an easy way to identify precise locations. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. Now anyone can find, share and navigate to precise locations using three simple words. For example, our meeting point in [City] for [activity] can be found at [///word.word.word]
This is more accurate than a street address, so you’ll know exactly where to go. Simply enter the three words into the free what3words app and tap ‘Navigate’ to get directions in your favourite navigation app.
Find out how to use what3words in this short video:
Find activities easily with what3words
We’re excited to announce that we’ll be displaying what3words addresses in booking confirmations so that you can always find our meeting points easily.
What is what3words?
what3words is an easy way to identify precise locations. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. Now anyone can find, share and navigate to precise locations using three simple words. For example, our meeting point in [City] for [activity] can be found at [///word.word.word]
This is more accurate than a street address, so you’ll know exactly where to go. Simply enter the three words into the free what3words app and tap ‘Navigate’ to get directions in your favourite navigation app.
Find out how to use what3words in this short video:
Use the images and wording below to share your news on social media.

To help you find meeting points faster, we’re sharing @what3words addresses in our itineraries and booking confirmations. Simply download the free what3words app and enter the three words to find your activity! Here’s how it works:
To help you find meeting points faster, we’re sharing @what3words addresses in our itineraries and booking confirmations. Simply download the free what3words app and enter the three words to find your activity! Here’s how it works:
Some of our favourites

Booking confirmation email content
Use the images and wording below to add what3words your booking confirmation. Edit the information in brackets to make it your own.

Find us easily with what3words
[///word.word.word] is the what3words address of our meeting point. Before you travel, download the free what3words app. You can then enter this what3words address and tap ‘Navigate’ to get directions to the exact location.
What is what3words?
what3words is an easy way to identify precise locations. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. It’s more accurate and reliable than a street address, and means anyone can find, share and navigate to precise locations using three simple words.
[Insert educational video:]
Find us easily with what3words
[///word.word.word] is the what3words address of our meeting point. Before you travel, download the free what3words app. You can then enter this what3words address and tap ‘Navigate’ to get directions to the exact location.
What is what3words?
what3words is an easy way to identify precise locations. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. It’s more accurate and reliable than a street address, and means anyone can find, share and navigate to precise locations using three simple words.
[Insert educational video:]
Press release
Announce what3words to the public with this press release. Simply fill in the missing information. To make it your own, add a screenshot of a what3words address in a booking confirmation.

Three words on booking confirmations direct customers to exactly where they need to be: [Company] adopts what3words
[Hundreds/thousands] of bookings per year will now include a what3words address in the booking confirmation.
Three words on booking confirmations direct customers to exactly where they need to be: [Company] adopts what3words
[Hundreds/thousands] of bookings per year will now include a what3words address in the booking confirmation.
Add a what3words address to your own images
Anyone can create engaging what3words images quickly and easily using the photo feature in the what3words app. We also have templates available for designers.
See below for examples of images made by our partners.

Social media